Fondation Air Liquide

Fondation Air Liquide

Air Liquide Foundation finances the purchase of educational equipment for our filipino center.
University of San Carlos

University of San Carlos

Since the launch of the program in 2009, PN Philippines students are studying at the prestigious University of San Carlos in Cebu.
Fondation Amanjaya

Fondation Amanjaya

Created in 2008, Amanjaya Foundation supports organizations that work to promote access to education for disadvantaged children and young people. Since 2008, Amanjaya Foundation supports Passerelles...


After a large contribution to our program in Cambodia, Accenture is, since 2010, the main partner of the development of PN Philippines, with a financial contribution over four years. Moreover, employees of Accenture Cebu are in charge of a part of the training...
Enfants du Mékong

Enfants du Mékong

Enfants du Mékong has been involved since the very beginning of Passerelles numériques’ project in Cambodia in 2005. Bringing digital opportunities to young and disadvantaged people has always been a project that makes senses to an NGO such as Enfants du Mékong that...