As one of the fundamentals of Passerelles numériques Philippines’ (PNP) training process, the Business Life Training is continuously updated and improved by the team in order for it to be in line with the demands of our current society and market. With the advent of internet and information technology, we believe that it is essential to take advantage of this current trend. Creating something far more profitable and gainful using only the internet and a computer through business is one of the most effective ways known. And the closest groups of people who can appreciate these digital intricacies are none other than the IT-oriented ones!
Thus, at PN, we found it relevant to give our students something that could ignite the entrepreneurs in them. This led us to the launching of the first ever PNP Startup Weeks.
With our main objective of promoting entrepreneurship among students by creating or joining IT startups, we embraced the notion that instead of just limiting their reach to employment, we are also opening our students to the idea that they can build their own businesses.
Using these main modules – Business Canvas Model, LEAN Startup methodology, Design-Thinking, Market Validating, Rapid Prototyping, and Pitching skills – our students were immersed to an intensive, interactive, student-centered 2-week training.

Brainstorming, formulation, and consultation of IT startup concepts by team
Creation of potential IT Startups
The students were divided into groups and were tasked to create IT startups that are relevant and feasible with regard to the demands of our society.
As outputs for the two-week training, the students were able to create IT applications and websites that have entrepreneurial potentials. Facing a panel of judges who acted as potential investors, the students presented their different products and output at the end of the training: Online Java Tutorial using Storytelling (website), Remote Computer Troubleshooting using Camera Visualization (website), Online Restaurant Booking/Ordering (website), Online Grocery Shop (website), Online Bus Ticketing (website and application), Online Souvenir/Delicacy Shop (website and application), Online School Attendance Checker (application), Car Accident Alert Application, and Online Farmer-to-Consumer (website).

Final presentation of product/output to panel of judges
“As a front-end developer of our team, I was obliged to do my task even when I know I lack some necessary skills. But because of our mentors’ motivation, I was inspired to learn by myself; it was actually more challenging than our usual activities in class. I got very engaged in the activities because it seemed real: we were not only dealing with prototyping, programming, or coding, but we also went out to the real world and studied the real situation of the community. Besides that, we also had the chance to meet experts in the field of I.T.; we were able to gather professional entrepreneurial insights from them. In a nutshell, the Startup weeks was indeed a great learning experience. ” Pearly Jane Meracado, PNP Class 2018
The positive feedback and insights from the students about the event showed how this initiative has been a good idea. On top of that, it also showed the eagerness of our students in learning more about business and life.
Our warmest gratitude goes to Vanessa Brayer and Hicham Ajanhaj from Accenture France as well as to Dan Allen Pantinople and Albert Padin (both Co-Founders and Chief Design Officers at Symph), Mark Buenconsejo (Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of andDaryl Clark Pantinople (PNP Professional Life trainer) for sharing their time and expertise to our students.
The entire PNP family is proud of the success of the Startup Weeks. It wouldn’t be possible without the participation of our volunteers who are professionals in the field of IT.